Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 24, Wall, SD to Pierre, SD, 117 miles

In Wall, SD they only get 10 to 12 inches of rain per year and draw their water from deep wells that are 3200 ft. deep! The water is very hot at that depth so the longer you keep your cold water tap on the warmer the water will get! Their school district is over 2000 square miles or bigger than the whole state of Rhode Island. Some students come from 70 miles away to make up the 120 member student body at the high school.

It was a long, hot, lung-bursting, butt-rubbing, mind-bending 117 mile ride over rolling grasslands for miles in every direction all the way to the Missouri River and on to Pierre, SD. (Pierre is the capital.) I am tired but was encouraged to receive a blog entry from our kids in the Philippines that refreshed by spirit and encouraged my heart. That quick reminder of who I am riding for and representing was perfectly timed. Thanks, kids!

I have lost more weight and now look like the Philippine parasites have returned I’m so thin but you can still recognize me by the space in my teeth! My ribs continue to heal and I look forward to covering 84 miles more tomorrow. I’ll give what I have!

“Here is my advice: It would be good for you to finish what you started a year ago. Last year you were the first who wanted to give, and you were the first to begin doing it. Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have. Whatever you give is acceptable if you give it eagerly. And give according to what you have, not what you don’t have.”
II Corinthians 8:10-12

Uncle Tom


Anonymous said...

you give great advice, Tom Randall!
lynn Habluetzel

Unknown said...

Hey Tomas,
Just got a chance to catch up on your blog. You are amazing as usual. Midnite here but excited about the two weeks of expat camps we are just finishing. Best spiritual results I can remember in a long time. Dave Clinton, Tom Clinton's son, has been doing the speaking and done a great job. Last week about 12 kids prayed to trust Christ after the tops show. Tonight at the bonfire we had many middle school and high schoolers praying together and some crying together as they were re-committing themselves to the Lord. Hope this gives you more energy!
Joe Mauk

purtz66 said...

Hi Tomas,
Just found your web site so I was able to catch up on your trip..You are such an inspiration to everyone! You have all ten Purtzers prayin for a safe journey..Keep your eye on the goal and the blessings will flow..Stay strong and can't wait to see you in Minneapolis and get the full story! We'll help you put some of that weight back on.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

I dont know if I am doing this right but I hope you get this note.
I was reading your blog yesterday and said "I wish I could be like Tom, so in love with life and the Lord" well today I had a burning bush moment and did just that. You do it everyday, Live for the Lord joy fills your life. Thank you Tom for being all of our Shinning Light.
Angie your Praying Angel

Anonymous said...

Go With God. We are watching - and reading about your amazing journey. Your life and words are truly a great inspiration. Thank you. Rod & Ann