Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 21, Lusk, WY to Hot Springs, SD, 92 miles

What a wonderful ride I had today entering the Black Hills of South Dakota! My legs felt great, ribs quit aching, and I enjoyed the climbs! I felt like I could ride to Detroit today.

As I get older these days are less frequent but I still know how to appreciate them. I feel like Caleb when he was older than everyone else (85 years old) and he was asked to take the high country when it was the hardest to take! And God gave him another chance to do battle.

I remember when the good games I played happened less and less and then the hip replacement and then there were no more basketball games. I was so glad my security and self-worth were not based on my ability to play basketball but rather in my faith in Christ. And I am thankful for the simplest athletic activity of riding a bike across our magnificent country. I get another chance to enjoy the pleasure of a physical challenge. Since I don’t deserve nor am I entitled to these special days I am grateful the Lord has allowed me to experience each one.

Tomorrow we will do more climbing in a single day yet and we get to visit the Presidents at Mount Rushmore on the way! As Caleb would say, “Give me the high country tomorrow!” I can’t wait until the morning!

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3: 20, 21



Anonymous said...

Your spiritual refreshment has been my daily food these past few weeks! You are awesome and truly blessed with the gift of encouraging others to follow Christ. We'll keep praying for your continued success and health as you ride to the Presidents tomorrow! Like you, they were also men of great faith who prayed daily for guidance to run this young country.
Keep are almost there!

Anonymous said...

Tom, thanks for being a great father of the faith - just as Abraham was! God bless you supernaturally...

TiC Dave said...

Hey Compadre ... Keep at it. I have been following and praying for you each day. I've shared your blog with a lot of bikers from Wash DC to the Northwest corner of Washington state. Unfortunately I can't join you. I have not forgotten you. Just as you pray for us, I am praying for you when I'm on the golf course (four times last week). I LOVE the wide open peaceful courses ... such a relief and time to refresh from life in Hong Kong. Our God is an awesome God isn't he!